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Check your digital skills

fit4internet gives you the opportunity to evaluate your digital skills. For this purpose, the so-called fit4internet tools (f4i-tools) CHECK and QUIZ were developed. A CHECK contains self-assessment questions and a QUIZ, on the other hand, employs knowledge-based questions. There is no time limit for answering the questions. Moreover, a registration is not required. The f4i-tools can be used as often as desired.

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After completing a CHECK or QUIZ, you can download your results in the form of PDF files:

  • as a short version of your skills profile (free of charge)
  • as a detailed version of your skills profile (fee-based)

Click for more information on the f4i-tools

3 available f4i-tools

CHECK Künstliche Intelligenz light

Einen Einblick in Ihre alltagsbezogenen Kompetenzen zu diesem Thema ermöglicht der CHECK Künstliche Intelligenz light.
    Gender *

    Detailed report for free

    Detailed explanations of your individual skills profile are chargeable (5.50€). When answering these additional questions, the detailed report is free of charge.

    CHECK Künstliche Intelligenz advanced

    Einen Überblick in Ihre fortgeschrittenen Kompetenzen zu diesem Thema ermöglicht der CHECK Künstliche Intelligenz advanced.
      Gender *

      Detailed report for free

      Detailed explanations of your individual skills profile are chargeable (5.50€). When answering these additional questions, the detailed report is free of charge.

      QUIZ Künstliche Intelligenz

      Eine Standortbestimmung Ihres Wissens zu diesem Thema ermöglicht das QUIZ Künstliche Intelligenz.
        Gender *

        Detailed report for free

        Detailed explanations of your individual skills profile are chargeable (5.50€). When answering these additional questions, the detailed report is free of charge.